Thursday, 20 September 2012

Tomilayo Idowu: THE RACE OF FAITH.

Hebrews 12: 1-3
Therefore we also, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which so easily ensnares us, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, looking unto Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith, who for the joy that was set before Him endured the cross, despising the shame, and has sat down at the right hand of the throne of God.

When I read this verse, I realized we are all under a race. A race of faith.

A race of completing our destiny here on earth. A race where God wants us to lay aside every weight and sin which so easily stops us from completing the race well. It can be circumstances that you are facing today that is stopping you from reaching your destiny. It can be a bad habit, a bondage or even our own attitude.

When we read Hebrews 11, all the men and the women had ''made it'' because they felt passionate about God and their cause.

Our life is very much compared to a race as well and we must run with endurance and passion if we plan to finish it well. It doesn’t matter how we start but it is important to end it well. When God called Moses to run the race for Him,

Moses gave 5 big excuses.

Excuse No 1: Who am I? (Exodus 3: 11) Moses struggled with his identity. He thought God picked a wrong leader.
God's response: It doesn’t matter who you are, I am with you. Exodus chap 3 : 12

Excuse No 2 : Who are you? (Exodus chap 3: 12). Moses felt a lack of intimacy. He didn’t know God well enough to describe him to the people. He was not too sure about his relationship with God.
God's response: I AM WHO I AM.I AM ever present. I AM everything you need (Exodus chap 3: 14).

Excuse No 3: What if they don’t listen? (Exodus chap 4: 1). Moses felt intimidated. He was worried of the people's reaction to him.
God's response: When I'm finished, they’ll listen (Exodus chap 4: 2-9)

Excuse No 4 : I can’t speak well.( Exodus chap 4 : 10). Moses was worried of his inadequacies. He was worried who would listen to him since he can’t speak well?
God's response: Who made your mouth? (Exodus chap 4: 11-12)

Excuse No 5: I know you can find someone else. (Exodus chap 4: 13). Moses felt inferior. He wanted someone else to take his responsibility.
God's response: OK.I will let Aaron go with you..............but I'm still calling you to go (Exodus chap 4: 14)

Here we can see Moses didn’t really start well. He gave excuses of not wanting to do what God called him to do. But, he still chose to run the race well. He decided to keep aside all his weight, and do what God told him today. Today, he is recorded as one of the famous heroes of faith in Hebrews chap 11.

By faith, Moses led the Israelites to cross the Red Sea as dry land and the Egyptians, attempting to do so, were drowned.

Today, God is asking us to stop giving excuses and finish our race well. Deep down in our heart, I strongly believe we know what God has called us to do for this generation. When we work for the Kingdom of God, it is impossible to just lead a simple life but to live a life full of glory for our Abba Father. Christ in you, the hope of glory!

Say this today: I choose to stop giving excuses and start running the race given to me to end it well.

Application: Just imagine yourself running a race. Imagine God telling us ''Well done'' at the end of the race. Stop giving excuses to do what God has called us to do. Lay aside all bad habits and start a new life starting from today making the main top priority is to start doing what He told us to do. Time is running out. Few more months left before the year ends for the year 2012.Start running!

''Abba Father in Heaven, I thank you Lord for letting me know to stop giving excuses of not doing what you told me to do O Lord. I pray God I will run this race with endurance with faith knowing you are the Alpha and the Omega. I pray God; you will teach me and instruct me in ways I should go. All I ask and pray, ‘Amen.

Sunday, 2 September 2012


Probing deeper into the scriptural significance of gates; a gate is where legal tribunal and civil events take place (II Sam 15:2, Deut 21:19), it is a place where officials meet and deliberate (Ruth 4:1), it is also a place where battl
e for control takes place. Finally, it is a place where entry into a realm is regulated.

Our Lord Jesus Christ spoke of a war that is on as we speak, a war greater than the wars engineered by men. In Matt 16, He said He would build His Church and the gates of Hell (hades-grave) shall not prevail (overpower) against it. We have established via Jacob's revelation that the house of God (the Church) is the gates of heaven. So we can say that this war is the war of the gates. Two gates are at war; the gates of the grave and the gates of heaven. Christ has said that the gates of the grave shall not overpower the gates of heaven.

Looking at the scriptural significance noted above, we establish that
1. The Church of God as God's house is the medium through which people can gain entrance into heaven via witnessing.
2. God's legal tribunal to control every civil events and events in the universe is the Church.
3. The most important people (nobles) in God's eyes throughout the universe as far as God is concerned dwell in the gates of heaven which is the Church (i.e. they are the Church).
4. The grave is the dwelling place of the dead. The dead is anyone who is immobilized from doing anything as a result of the laws of death. In Rom 7 and 8, the law of Sin in our members make us continue to sin against God but the laws of death is that which disables us to do righteousness. Based on this, the gates of hades signifies the region of diability with respect to the ways of God.

These two gates battle to control one another but the Church shall definitely overcome. This is why you could see different things hurled against the Church to destroy her. THERE IS HOPE! Do not fear.

Muyiwa Ibigbami: ... MADE GLORIOUS!

But there'll be no darkness for those who were in trouble. Earlier he did bring the lands of Zebulun and Naphtali into disrepute, but the time is coming when he'll make that whole area glorious — the road along the Sea, the country past the Jordan, international Galilee -Isa 9:1. 

Yes, It is a promise! You shall be made glorious in the month of September. You shall quickly forget your troubles and despair, because the Lord of host shall turn everything around for your glory, if you follow Him wholeheartedly. In this month you shall be celebrated for glorious breakthroughs & spectacular achievements. Just like a once hidden Galilee became International Galilee, you shall gain International recognition. I welcome you to my month of glory. See, I'm Winning again!