Wednesday 8 August 2012


"Elisha said,'Listen! God's Word! The famine's over. This time tomorrow,food will be plentiful... The Attendant on whom the king leaned for support said to the Holy Man,'You expect us to believe that? Trap doors opening in the sky and food tumbling out?"(2 Kings 7 vs 1-2).

In Today's Focal Scripture,an attendant on whom the king leaned on for support doubted the Word of God. The Officer questioned God's Ability to perform what He promised through Elisha. This attendant made God look like One who couldn't and wouldn't fulfill His promise. This attendant unequivocally belittled God.

Friend,Your Support could represent anything that you literally depend on to survive. It could be your doctor,your finances,your job,the contacts you have in the corridors of power etc. Isn't it true that sometimes,the things that represent our Support are the same things that belittle God? Isn't it true that sometimes,when God says Yes,our supports say No? God promises health and healing,but the doctor seems to say it is impossible. God promises to help you actualize a huge project but your finances seem to say "It can't be done".

Friend, hear God's counsel: Don't accept the negative voice of your Support. Don't live your life on the basis of what your "Support" said,live by what God says. Your life isn't about your support,its all about God.

Pray with me,"Lord,I choose to listen to you and not my "Support".

Tomilayo Idowu is a wonderful treasure with a voice for the world who believes that God is not an option. She finished from the University of Lagos, Nigeria, resides in Lagos and is doing wonderfully in the body of Christ. Her passion for God and His way has led her to write many things which inspirations to many brethren. She is known to say that “life is a battle ground, you were made tough to handle it.” You can contact her via